Stories 425

Stories 425

Ghosts travelling with us
light and easy
like a breathing burden
we have let go
but cannot seem to stay away.

I was travelling home from a city trip in Edinburgh rushing through security with my camera out. Not always the most convenient thing to do, but this time I was glad I did. I saw this mother rolling her daughter around on their suitcase. Such a funny and intriguing sight! To be able to catch it I had to hurry after them. It was a crowded corridor, with people rushing through, and I had to be quick not to get bumped into by the people behind me. In situations like that I often miss the shot because I rush myself too much, but this time luckily I didn’t.
I love it when my eyes catch things like this. I’m fortunate to have good developed intuition, although I have to be aware to tune in when I go outside to capture all these moments. I try to prepare myself when I hit the streets and have an open mind. That is the only way I can have a succesful day.

Stories 278

Stories 278

The escapist.
Trying to break free from her darkness with colour.

New York photography pleasure! I was travelling to the city on the subway from a cold afternoon on Coney Island, when this colourful young lady sat across from me. There I was, just feet away from a perfect photography subject. Instead of putting the camera in front of my face, I tried to take a candid picture from my lap. The only good thing about that was the perspective it created. I was looking around me, pointing my camera and shooting I didn’t know what. The subway was moving back and forth which created motion blur, beside my not pointing in the right direction. It took a lot of pictures to get this one. And it took a lot of time. And acting from my part. Which wasn’t Oscar worthy cause everybody on the train knew what I was doing. The girl probably too. If it wasn’t because of my obvious behavior, then it would have been from the loud noise of my camera. I shot with a Canon 450 DSLR, so you can imagine the sound it made. I think I better could have taken a quick shot looking through the viewfinder. But luckily my clumsy behavior got me this nice picture.